News News
December 16, 17, Bao Di Lan International Group, "Love Clinic - Happy Private Board" together with the Shanghai Peace Hotel and the Roosevelt Mansion jointly organized high-end customers, "love the night Shanghai, love Roosevelt" theme feedback.Dress up only to meet youMs. Wang yan, vice President, international vice President of the companyMr. President Jacky MaoWomen's private anti-aging professor deng xiaoqianThe big coffee gathered for the big eventAcIc international registered temperament esthetics lecturer, miss li yanrongMr. CHOI SEHYEOK, professor of internation...
Release time: 2017 - 12 - 22
Release time: 2017 - 07 - 05
质检总局发布5月未予准入化妆品 OPI、兰芝、诗佳秀等知名品牌上榜    7月3日,国家质检总局公布了今年5月未予准入的食品化妆品信息,检出质量安全项目不合格的食品451批、化妆品36批。   其中,不合格化妆品来自9个国家或地区,涉及肤用、口腔和美容等6类化妆品,主要项目是证书不合格、标签不合格和品质不合格。OPI、兰芝、吕、诗佳秀等知名品牌赫然在列。   已依法做退货或销毁处理   在质量安全项目检出不合格的36批化妆品中,不乏OPI、兰芝、吕、诗佳秀等知名品牌。   其中,科蒂商贸(上海)有限公司进口的1批次美国产OPI指甲油(亮珠光)因标签不合格被销毁;乐金生活健康贸易(上海)有限公司进口的3批次LG韩国产诗佳秀产品也因标签不合格被销毁。   此外,爱茉莉太平洋旗下有2批次产品未予准入。其中,1批次韩国产兰芝男士舒润保温湿霜未按要求提供证书或合格证明材料而被退货;1批次韩国产吕含光发烫染修复专用洗发乳因包装不合格而被销毁。   质检总局称,化妆品在进口检验时不符合食品安全国家标准或相关法律法规要求,都已依法做退货或销毁处理。   对此,广州汀兰生物科技有限公司研发工程师彭冠杰告诉《每日经济新闻》记者,化妆品在进口检验时如果发现违禁毒害类物质,肯定是销毁处理。不过,对于标签不合格、包装不合格等相对...
Release time: 2017 - 07 - 05
Instead of being a simple cosmetic store, shopping centers offer more lifestyle experiences and purchases for younger, upper-class people. For example, high-end cosmetics brands can be individually equipped with beauty parlors to meet the deep lifestyle needs. The company is located in:In recent years, the retail industry has been paying close attention to how to seek a break in the face of adversity. The reason is that consumers are more knowledgeable, pay more attention to quality and experience than ever before, and pay attention to social networks at the same time. Consumers disposable inc...
Release time: 2017 - 07 - 18
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