News News
December 16, 17, Bao Di Lan International Group, "Love Clinic - Happy Private Board" together with the Shanghai Peace Hotel and the Roosevelt Mansion jointly organized high-end customers, "love the night Shanghai, love Roosevelt" theme feedback.Dress up only to meet youMs. Wang yan, vice President, international vice President of the companyMr. President Jacky MaoWomen's private anti-aging professor deng xiaoqianThe big coffee gathered for the big eventAcIc international registered temperament esthetics lecturer, miss li yanrongMr. CHOI SEHYEOK, professor of internation...
Release time: 2017 - 12 - 22
Instead of being a simple cosmetic store, shopping centers offer more lifestyle experiences and purchases for younger, upper-class people. For example, high-end cosmetics brands can be individually equipped with beauty parlors to meet the deep lifestyle needs. The company is located in:In recent years, the retail industry has been paying close attention to how to seek a break in the face of adversity. The reason is that consumers are more knowledgeable, pay more attention to quality and experience than ever before, and pay attention to social networks at the same time. Consumers disposable inc...
Release time: 2017 - 07 - 18
Speaking of Britain, "Queen, castle, royal family ... ..." can not help but come to mind, it seems that for the country's cosmetics, consumers talk about not much. But when you search for words such as: "The list of top cosmetics in the UK, the best facial masks I've ever used, the most popular UK make-up, and 10 UK masks to buy" and so on, there must be one The brand appears, that is Montagne Jeunesse.Has more than 200 single product, marketing 87 countries around the worldSpeaking Montagne jeunesse (hereinafter referred to as MJ), there may be many people are not ...
Release time: 2017 - 07 - 18
资生堂、欧莱雅、倩碧、NARS、伊蒂之屋等品牌的唇彩、粉底液、睫毛膏,很多爱美女孩可能喜欢从国外代购回来,不过你买回来的有可能是假的!      今天,记者从东阳警方获悉,日前他们破获了一起特大跨境生产销售假冒化妆品案,涉案价值超过1亿元人民币,这些化妆品成本仅几元甚至几毛钱,却冒充国际知名一线品牌进行出售,而且售价还不低,从上百元到上千元都有。      电商平台举报 东阳境内有大型跨境制假售假化妆品窝点      今年3月份,东阳公安局接到国内某大型电商平台举报,说东阳境内有一个大型跨境生产销售假冒知名化妆品窝点,接到线索后,东阳警方高度重视,立即成立专案组进行调查。      经过调查,民警很快锁定一家位于东阳江北街道的化妆品企业,这家企业由一对叫何某和杨某的夫妇经营,两人都是义乌本地人,企业开办时间是2015年8月份。     “整个公司井然有序,有相应的人员,有各个部门,从外面看起,就是一家很正规的化妆品公司。”民警说,涉案公司的生产地点位于望江北路的一个厂区内,厂区内共有北、中、南三幢厂房,涉案公司租用了中幢厂房的4楼和6楼...
Release time: 2013 - 12 - 11
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