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2017 - 12 - 22
Hits: 127
December 16, 17, Bao Di Lan International Group, "Love Clinic - Happy Private Board&q...
新闻中心 / News More
  • Updated: 2017 - Dec - 22
    Views: 127
    December 16, 17, Bao Di Lan International Group, "Love Clinic - Happy Private Board" together with the Shanghai Peace Hotel and the Roosevelt Mansion jointly organized high-end customers, "love the night Shanghai, love Roosevelt" theme feedback.Dress up only to meet youMs. Wang yan, vice President, international vice President of the companyMr. President Jacky MaoWomen's private anti-aging professor deng xiaoqianThe big coffee gathered for the big eventAcIc international registered temperament esthetics lecturer, miss li yanrongMr. CHOI SEHYEOK, professor of international sexologyInternational senior interpreter HellenHormonal enlightenment angel cherry babyZero-distance interaction awakens positive energyMs. Li yanrong, an international lecturer in Aclc, gave a liv...
  • 2017 . 12 . 22
    Views: 127
    December 16, 17, Bao Di Lan International Group, "Love Clinic - Happy Private Board" together with the Shanghai Peace Hotel and the Roosevelt Mansion jointly organized high-end customers, "love the night Shanghai, love Roosevelt" theme feedback.Dress up only to meet youMs. Wang yan, vice President, international vice President of the companyMr. President Jacky MaoWomen's private anti-aging professor deng xiaoqianThe big coffee gathered for the big eventAcIc international registered temperament esthetics lecturer, miss li yanrongMr. CHOI SEHYEOK, professor of international sexologyInternational senior interpreter HellenHormonal enlightenment angel cherry babyZero-distance interaction awakens positive energyMs. Li yanrong, an international lecturer in Aclc, gave a liv...
  • 2017 . 07 . 18
    Views: 220
    Instead of being a simple cosmetic store, shopping centers offer more lifestyle experiences and purchases for younger, upper-class people. For example, high-end cosmetics brands can be individually equipped with beauty parlors to meet the deep lifestyle needs. The company is located in:In recent years, the retail industry has been paying close attention to how to seek a break in the face of adversity. The reason is that consumers are more knowledgeable, pay more attention to quality and experience than ever before, and pay attention to social networks at the same time. Consumers disposable incomes continue to increase, but loyalty is harder than before.In such a rapidly changing environment, two types of events in the cosmetics industry sparked our thinking. First, the distribution of Kore...
  • 2017 . 07 . 18
    Views: 80
    Speaking of Britain, "Queen, castle, royal family ... ..." can not help but come to mind, it seems that for the country's cosmetics, consumers talk about not much. But when you search for words such as: "The list of top cosmetics in the UK, the best facial masks I've ever used, the most popular UK make-up, and 10 UK masks to buy" and so on, there must be one The brand appears, that is Montagne Jeunesse.Has more than 200 single product, marketing 87 countries around the worldSpeaking Montagne jeunesse (hereinafter referred to as MJ), there may be many people are not familiar with. This is a skin care brand from the United Kingdom, was established in 1988. MJ International Limited focused on the production of film products for 25 years, has been known as a global ...
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  • Updated: 2013 - Nov - 29
    Views: 430
    2015年4月25日,葆蒂兰国际集团2015季全国亲子夏令营美二代之“奔跑吧,美骚年”全面上线,正式向每一位爱孩如命的妈妈们发出邀请,让我们和葆蒂兰国际集团一起踏上“帝都”,走进名校,对话大师,登顶长城,享受一个不一样的假期,播撒种子,放飞梦想,为孩子的明天保驾护航! 举办地中国北京:  北京,又称“帝都”,中华人民共和国的首都、直辖市和国家中心城市,是中国的政治、文化中心,中国经济的决策和管理中心,是中华人民共和国中央人民政府和全国人民代表大会的办公所在地。北京是中国“八大古都”之一,拥有7项世界遗产,是世界上拥有文化遗产项目数最多的城市,是一座有着三千余年建城历史、八百六十余年建都史的历史文化名城,拥有众多历史名胜古迹和人文景观。 名校风采: 长城一日游: 聆听第一季的声音: 主办及协办单位:中国妇女发展基金会、中国教育电视台、中央教育频道、幸福丝带基金、世界美容院联盟协会联袂主办;                                                              ...
  • 2013 . 11 . 29
    Views: 430
    2015年4月25日,葆蒂兰国际集团2015季全国亲子夏令营美二代之“奔跑吧,美骚年”全面上线,正式向每一位爱孩如命的妈妈们发出邀请,让我们和葆蒂兰国际集团一起踏上“帝都”,走进名校,对话大师,登顶长城,享受一个不一样的假期,播撒种子,放飞梦想,为孩子的明天保驾护航! 举办地中国北京:  北京,又称“帝都”,中华人民共和国的首都、直辖市和国家中心城市,是中国的政治、文化中心,中国经济的决策和管理中心,是中华人民共和国中央人民政府和全国人民代表大会的办公所在地。北京是中国“八大古都”之一,拥有7项世界遗产,是世界上拥有文化遗产项目数最多的城市,是一座有着三千余年建城历史、八百六十余年建都史的历史文化名城,拥有众多历史名胜古迹和人文景观。 名校风采: 长城一日游: 聆听第一季的声音: 主办及协办单位:中国妇女发展基金会、中国教育电视台、中央教育频道、幸福丝带基金、世界美容院联盟协会联袂主办;                                                              ...
  • 2013 . 11 . 29
    Views: 218
    激情、热情;欧洲杯点燃世界男人的战火;性感、动感;葆蒂兰性感训练营唤起中国女人内心的火辣与狂野!           2016年6月25~27日葆蒂兰国际集团2.0百变SEXY秀暨幸福女人荟第17季探寻未知领域特训营于上海青浦太阳岛度假村如期璀璨开营。       继5月份第16季结营后,得到了客户的一致好评和认可,故第17季再次如期而来。而此次训练营不同以往,葆蒂兰国际商学院旨在和不同年龄段的您一起挖掘造物主独赋予女人的美丽与健康,释放激情与性感,邂逅自信与优雅。            享誉国际的礼仪培训大师李一平老师在为学员们倾情授课。外修行,内修心,最美的女人首先拥有最美的风姿。这个夏天,欧洲杯使世界男人疯狂!这个夏天,葆蒂兰商学院幸福女人荟使中国女人装满性福的荷尔蒙!
  • 2013 . 11 . 29
    Views: 284
    7月7号管理层迎来了第三天的会议相关议题,在公司王副总的统筹下,针对市场服务体系、项目设置及与店家的合作形式上针对短期、中期、长期系统落实相关内容进行讨论。各品牌负责人对上述问题进行了分析解答和各人针对市场提出各自的不同见解。 通过上午对各类议题的整理,下午由侬美云团队经理蒋一心上述3-4个问题进行了相关分析;各部门负责人对上述问题交换意见、统一思想,完善上述内容中的不足并给予了补充;葆蒂兰国际在未来的下半年时间里为我们的品牌、客户从项目推广、业绩提升、服务建设等方面进行全方位的保驾护航。 2016年,我们将带着12分的热情;全情投入市场,服务好市场上每一位客户!
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